Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our newest photographer and judge for the Sit for Exam ...Miss Eva (5 years old)


Just wanted to say how pleased I was that you listened very carefully, followed instructions well, and were careful to look at the dog and tell me what you saw.  By the way, you "read" the dogs correctly as to which ones you should NOT touch or approach.  Those are good indications of a person, even a very young lady like yourself, who has good instincts about dogs.  Perhaps someday you will have your own puppy to train just like your mom has Eli to train right now.

OR, perhaps Mom should get you a camara as the photo's you took with my cell phone of the class Thursday night were really, really good!

Thanks for having such a good spirit and your smiling face added a lot to our group class.  Here are your photographs.

Beginner dogs on Down/Stays

 Getting ready for some crazy heeling ...

READY for scrambled heeeling? Follow your leader...go!

Some students said "We'll just watch."

There she is, Miss Eva, our youngest photographer and Sit for Exam judge!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Promise attempts taking over the Puppy Class

Promise, the fearless Doberman, was ready for anything today at Puppy class.  After she wore out Murdock, the Canaan Dog, she decided to play with Mozart who weighs in about 4 times her weight. She never noticed that factor at all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Applewoods Pool Party


Double Place (notice the increased sag from Sherpa's weight?)

Every dog wants the bumper..
but Sugar is the fastest dog to launch for it.

After the pool party, tis time for cake.  Wait...what to do with all those wet dogs?
A 45-minute Down/Stay so all dogs could dry out.

What a great way to spend a summer Saturday afternoon-:)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Applewoods students do 'extra credit' training over the 4th of July weekend at Bass Outdoor Pro Shop

With the heat index making the outdoor miserable for man and's time to train inside. One of Applewoods favorite places to train, during rotten weather, is the Bass Outdoor Pro Shop at Anne Arundel Outlet Mall.

Here are some pictures of students & their dogs doing some 'extra credit' training for their upcoming Week 6 Final Exam from Middle School Class.

Start with a 5 minute warm-up set of Sit/Stays @ 6'

Then, do a 5 minute Down/Stays @ 6'

Do a couple of Stand/Stays on a bench for good practice
Mix up the training by having 2 dogs to a Stand/Stay and the dog in the middle do a reverse Sit/Stay

Well, a picnic table works just as well for mixed up Stand/Stays and a Sit/Stay also!

End with another round of 3 minute Sit/Stay

All in all, another grand training day for Applewoods students and their dogs. 
 (Hopefully, they will all pass their Middle School Class Week 6 Practical Exam)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Promise comes to Applewoods

A new Doberman is here to stay, play and learn to think and work like an Applewoods Dog.