Saturday, March 22, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

The gang is back to normal at Applewoods

The little dog pack within the pack.

Bella introduces a ball to the group.

Follow the leader?

Butler and Promise back to their old games

Piper and Bella got so tired from running that they had to lie down to play. Obi never wears out.

The young dogs gang up on Sherpa.

Sherpa puts up with their antics.

Obi pushes his luck!

Lulu follows Doberman Duke.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

How to you help a dog learn emotional and physical self-control?

One way to teach the dog emotional and physical self-control is to use 'distractions' so the dog learns to ignore the 'distractions' and instead do the job at hand.

Here is Bella, a white uncropped, undocked white Boxer rescue who came initially as an 'aggressive' dog.  Bella's owner, Ethan, has been a stellar student, followed the homework religiously, asked excellent questions, posted videos so the Instructor's can review and is a top graduate of the Elementary Class. 

Ethan and Bella are now in the Middle School Class and here in the below photo sequence Bella is doing the Sit for Exam.  She breaks her Sit/Stay so we help her learn emotional and physical self-control by adding 'distractions' i.e two humans walking close to her in many directions, until she opts to ignore us completely. By the time we finished, the two humans were doing the child game of "Patty Cake" directly behind Bella who ignored our silly game totally. 

Atta girl, are learning!
 First attempt at a Sit for Exam


Bella needs extra help, so we add 'distraction's in the form of more humans approaching her.

The final test?

"Patty cake, Patty cake, Baker's Man,
Make me a cake as fast as you can..."
Of course, Bella thinks we are NUTS, but she held her Sit/Stay regardless of our silly games.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Duck Dynasty at Applewoods?

Sugar is questioning Bella's hesitation, "Why ARE you messing around?"

ALL the yard dogs want to "help" get that good dead duck.  Look at Sugar licking his chops! LOL

Raya says, "Hey, I know how to fetch a dead duck, let me help!" Sugar turns his head to her request.

Of course, Sherpa has just recently been introduced to the wonderful game of fetching dead ducks.  She wants to play too!
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Finally, a lovely picture of 3 Labs.  Duck Dynasty?
I think Sugar won this round today. Look how proud he is, look how dismayed Raya (brown Lab) is, and LOL, look at Bella (young black Lab puppy) wondering what all the hoopala is about a silly dead duck?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Applewoods Closed Today

Since Applewoods follows the Prince George's County School snow closings, we are closed today.  Be safe and stay off of the roads if possible.