Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Catawba Tree Lives On


Rosie and Rugby waited patiently while all the other dogs checked out. When the owners came, they very politely greeted them and invited them to play.
Check Out Time

Soon, all the other dogs were gone and they had the yard to themselves. That is when their adventure began.
Exploring Together

Scattered throughout the yard are the remnants of the Catawba tree in the form of place boards, a bigger mulch pile, and figure eight posts. You didn't think Margot would let the tree go that easily did you? Rosie hadn't been here since the tree came down and she took the opportunity to explore every aspect of the new yard decor, with Rugby watching her every move.

Rosie shows Rugby the ropes

Rugby stared in awe as Rosie hopped down a row of the new stumps. I think this picture says it clearly, "Why didn't I think of that?!"
Stump is all yours, Rugby!

You don't have to show him more than once, because soon after Rugby was trying his best to hop across the stumps just like Rosie had!
I *think* I can reach it!

Needless to say, Rugby was very proud of himself and made sure to catch up to Rosie and tell her what a great idea she had! 
Catch me if you can

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