Saturday, February 1, 2014

Houdini plays with Promise or You've come a long way, baby!

It was nice to see Houdini play with Promise, Caruso and Derek today so here are some photos from their romp. For those of you who don't know Houdini, she has come a long way from being a street dog in Central America to being a polite canine hanging out with people and other dogs.

Promise working the attention available from Angela. 

The collars came off just after this photo. 

Promise surveys her kingdom.

Caruso could not help but get involved. 

Look at the expression on Houdini's face.  She is having a blast.

Promise playing the "crouching tiger" game. Houdini is just out of view on left.

Houdini thinks Derek is OK.

Derek whispering sweet nothings in Houdini's ear.

Wanna run?

Promise shows off (note no collars on Houdini or Promise, due to this kind of play)

Houdini practices her ballet moves.

Note the running going on in the background.

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